Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Important News: Communtiy Service Help

As high school students know, 60 hours of community service are required in the 4 years in order to graduate. For those who are missing those crucial hours, the SAV Forum now has a Community Sservice area which will hold important information about possible volunteer opportunities.

The link to the forum is on your right, so check it out and get those hours before its too late!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


In order to vote on important school proposals, ALL members need to attend the meetings.

Although members who miss a meeting can catch up through the blog, it is very important that elected officials appear at all meetings so that their grade can be heard.

Remember, meetings are held on Wednesdays at 12:30 pm!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SAV Meeting Update 2/6/08

Because we didn't have a qourum, the SAV was not able to vote on any proposal. The Athletic Funding Proposal and the Tutor Center Proposal will be voted on next week.

We broke up into our committees and discussed the current issues.

News: After attending five meetings, 11th grader Justine Taylor-Raymond and 12th grader Chandra Rojas are now official voting members, bringing our total to 33 members!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Although Completely Off-Topic...

We would like to congratulate the New York Giants for winning Super Bowl XLII!