Sunday, May 11, 2008

Changes in SAV

As the year winds down a few of us have decided to take what we've seen happen in SAV and try to come up with a better way of organizing ourselves so that we get more done. As of right now, there is about four of us working out the details and our first meeting was on Friday. If anyone is interested in coming and expressing your ideas we're meeting up again during tomorrow's lunch period in the conference room. While everyone is invited, please only come if you're willing do get some work done. We are aiming to maintain our small number of participants. Check back here frequently since we'll be posting our progress here in the upcoming days.

Monday, May 5, 2008

SAV Notes for 4/30

This meeting was used more so for planning and catching up rather than voting. No votes were cast on this day. Here is the recap:

Community day for middle schoolers
Some middle schoolers feel that on days this event takes place, they should have a chance to go without coming to SAV. On those days, the high schoolers can have the day to themselves or the week can just be called as a break from SAV as a whole. Further discussion is pending to see just how we wish to go about giving the middle schoolers that time.

High School Attendance Issue:
One of the most pressing issue we have now is making the high schoolers come to the meetings. Many people are upset that they can't vote due to the absences. We are now trying to come up with ways to remedy this problem, however, it may just come to the point of which we'll just have to start dropping names off of our forum list in order to get our voting down.

A possible Solution:

Because SAV takes place during high school lunch, we want to start making lunch available to them. It could be possible that people have stopped coming due to wanting to get food. Hopefully we can get more high schoolers to come if we eliminate the need to find food prior to coming to SAV.