• Blog: We now have a blog. Maddy and Brandon have created it for us. The link is Blogs are open to everyone for posting. Please contact Maddy or Brandon about more info. Also we shall keep basic notes on it and any new general updates.
• People have not been coming lately. Is there anyway to fix this problem? One way to fix this is to keep talking to people about this. Also we can make posters to help get the word out.
• We also have an email address:
Main points:
• We can post up proposals on the blog and have people vote on it informally. This would act as a test run for proposals.
• First: Make a survey to find out how many high schoolers do not have the amount of community service. Second: See what they would like to do Third: Make it clear that is is important. Fourth: After we have the numbers we can help create events that will give people service hours. Five: make clear the idea that it is 60 hours all across their stay at this high school.