Friday, December 14, 2007


Into our second month, the SAV has made some new changes to their meeting and voting protocols in order to be more efficient in bringing the changes you want!

Decision Making - whenever a new issue is brought up, it must go through a small working committee, who will work out all the details and draft a proposal. The proposal will be voted on by the entire SAV, then taken to administration for implementation

Voting Roles - Along with elected officials, people who have attended at least 5 SAV meetings will gain the right to vote. Of the total members, 2/3 (19 out of 28) have to be in attendance. Finally 2/3 of the committee most vote in favor of a proposal for it to pass

New Roles - members of SAV are no taking on new roles to further advance SAV's progress. These include:
  • Communications Chair - Sending out weekly updates to SAV members, keeping everyone connected (held by 12th grade member Phil Ensler)
  • Technology Chair - Establish SAV website and blog, maintain notes, vote results, announcements (held by 11th grade members Maddy Hambleton and Brandon Lewis)
  • Records Chair - keeps track of all records (held by 12th grader Nephtaly Rivera)
  • Social Chair - plans events to get SAV members better acquainted (held by John, Katherine, Aarie, Kira, Isabella)
These changes will surely make the SAV process better than ever!

Want to see for yourself? Visit a meeting on Wednesday @ 12:10!